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What Is the Montessori Model United Nations?


Starting March 19, our Elementary Students will log in at school and at home to participate in this year’s virtual Montessori Model United Nations. Our students in Jersey City will be joining hundreds of other Montessori students from Lima, Peru, Rome, Italy, and Shanghai, China, to make connections, expand their understanding of global government, and learn the importance of compromise and cooperation. For many students, this is a life-changing experience, opening their eyes to the needs of the global community.

The MMUN is a collaboration with the United Nations for Montessori students around the world to act as delegates for a nation. Through role-playing, each student writes, presents and debates issues. They act as a citizen of their selected country and fully develop an understanding of the country’s needs and social justice issues, helping them truly take on their delegate role.

Pre-pandemic, the delegates would be debating the needs of their nations on the floor of the United Nations in New York City.

This year’s virtual event is proving to be an immersive experience. Our students take part in several MMUN working sessions to prepare them for the conference. These mock sessions allow delegates to adapt to the new online format, familiarize themselves with procedures, and practice public speaking.

“The MMUN mock sessions make all the difference in the world to our students. They’re getting more experience in mock sessions, and they have the opportunity to really understand how a resolution gets written,” said Stacey Manning, the Upper Elementary teacher and lead student advisor for the MMUN at our school.

Hudson Montessori School’s delegates will represent Cyprus, Chile, Bolivia, Cape Verde, Jordan, and Cameroon during this year’s conference. They will speak for these countries on several committees, including the MMUN Office on Drugs and Crime, Economic and Social Council, and the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee.

The first session on March 19 will consist of icebreakers, rules and procedures, the celebration of nations, and the opening ceremony. On March 21 and 22, students will attend committee sessions with opening speeches, create working papers, and merge line by line review where they will propose, collect, and review any amendments to the resolutions.

Second topic sessions will take place from March 23 to 29. Students will give opening speeches, create and merge working papers, and attend the closing ceremony and celebration festival.

To learn more about Hudson Montessori School’s Upper and Lower Elementary classes or the other programs we offer to our students ages 2 to 6th grade, sign up for an open house tour most Tuesdays at 9 a.m.

These photos are from the 2020 Montessori Model United Nations Conference before the COVID-19 pandemic.



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