Our students ended the final session of summer camp with a bang! Our Elementary Maker Camp put the finishing touches on their Future City projects. The city they envisioned was a sustainable green city with small, programmable robot citizens students created to roam the streets. The students learned to complete circuits using LED lights and built, tested, and compared three different types of renewable energy: solar, hydro, and wind.
During the last few days, all age levels from toddlers up to elementary students enjoyed treats from the ice cream truck and had a special visit from Eyes of the Wild, where the students were introduced to rescued wild animal friends.
Students excitedly examined artifacts from indigenous people like armor inspired by armadillos.They learned how people have always looked into nature for inspiration and solutions.
Thank you to all of our staff that created another summer of fun, experiential learning for our students. Hudson Montessori School uses an interdisciplinary, theme-based learning approach throughout the school year that carries over to summer camp. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our administrative office.