A Day in the Life of the Hudson River
Hudson Montessori School has been participating in the Day in the Life of the Hudson River Program since 2015. Each year the elementary students explore a different facet of the Hudson River. Through this program's three-year cycle, students get to experience connections in their studies of history, geography, chemistry, biology, and technology.
Study Details
Each year, Hudson Montessori School partners with New York State and Columbia University to participate in a longitudinal study of the Day in the Life of the Hudson River. Armed with turbidity tubes, refractometers, and other gear, our elementary students examine river tides and currents, water chemistry, flora and fauna, and more.
The Day in the Life of the Hudson River study has given Hudson Montessori School students an opportunity to better understand and celebrate the river. Our elementary class focuses on many different aspects of the major waterway, from its history to its current state and how we can preserve and protect it.
Past study themes include the impact of the Industrial Revolution on the river's water quality, the river's historically vital role in connecting people and places, and the indigenous people groups who once called the estuary home.
Since 2015, our school has developed invaluable partnerships between students, scientists, city planners, local citizens, and other program partners who care for our Hudson River home.
"The activities centered in preparation, on the actual day of the event, and after allows our students to connect with the Hudson River they walk by every day," said Grace Sanvictores, STEAM educator.
We take pride in our students joining forces with thousands of students from our city to the Mohawk Valley and many places in between. Columbia University analyzes each student group's data and informs the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Cornell New York State Water Resources Institute about the health of the Hudson River.
For more information about our STEAM Program, email
Michelle Velho sciencemichelle@hudsonmontessori.net
Grace Sanvictores gsanvictores@hudsonmontessori.net
Samantha Gordon steamteachers@hudsonmontessori.net